The final colorversion of a backdrop drawing for the concert tour of the Danish TV-character, Hr. Skæg (Mr. Beard).
It is the backyard of the hotel. The final size will Læs videre “Hr Skæg backdrop for concert tour”
Illustration, comics, children books, Music, video
The final colorversion of a backdrop drawing for the concert tour of the Danish TV-character, Hr. Skæg (Mr. Beard).
It is the backyard of the hotel. The final size will Læs videre “Hr Skæg backdrop for concert tour”
Jeg har fået fornøjelsen af at lave det nye bagtæppe til Hr. Skægs nye koncertturné.
I forbindelse med den nye børneTV-serie, “Hr. Skægs hotel” på DR Ramasjang, tager Hr. Skæg (aka Mikkel Lomborg) og Christian Winther på en landsdækkende turné. Og til den lejlighed har jeg designet det nye bagtæppe + hotelreception.
I am currently working on a new book series with the to characters, Rosa and Marie. It is a series of light crime stories, and the two girls get involved in different cases, which may look very scary at first glance.
The stories are written by Per Østergaard, and he is Læs videre “Work in progress – New crime book for kids”
A few screenshots and a little glimpse og work in progress.
I am currently in the process of adding colors in Photoshop to the illustrations from the forthcoming book with the Læs videre “Work in Progress – KLUB4 (Club 4)”
Yesterday I received this book from my publisher, Alinea.
I have made the illustrations for this book, written by Peter Grønlund. And the title is “Nøglen til Helvede” (danish) – “The Keys to Hell”.
It’s not everyday you get Læs videre “New book, fresh from print – The Keys to Hell”
Her is a closer look at Læs videre “5 Years anniversary at GUL STUE”
After a little pause in my updates, I am back with some work in progress.
I am currently working on a new book with the famous characters, Peter & Ping from the one and only master, Storm P.
Just like the other three books, this one is written by Rasmus Bregnhøi.
Look out for further updates on this book
Efter en mindre pause på denne blog, er jeg nu tilbage med noget mere “Work in progress”.
Jeg er i skrivende stund Læs videre “Work in progress – Peter & Ping #4”
Så modtog jeg lige denne her bog, da jeg besøgte Forlaget Alvildas stand på årets bogmesse.
Den er helt frisk fra tryk, og der går måske lige nogle Læs videre “Så er den her – Pings findebog”
Så oprandt dagen, hvor jeg endelig kunne sende alle tegningerne til myldrebogen med Storm P’s Ping til tryk.
Det var lidt af en sejtrækker, da der skal en del streger på sådan en bog.
Men nu lykkes det, og jeg må sige at Læs videre “Afleveret til tryk – Ping myldrebog”