Uddrag fra det igangværende arbejde med en kort animeret tegneserie, som også skal udmunde i en regulær længere tegneserie om min farfars oplevelser under den spanske borgerkrig og Læs videre “Excerpt – Animated Comic”
Webcomic and animated comic

Jeg er lige blevet færdig med denne korte tegneserie om erindringer fra barndommen.
Samtidigt med at jeg tegnede serien, lavede Læs videre “Webcomic and animated comic”
Animation pencil test for comic
This is a small Pencil test animation for an animated comic.
More on this later
Work in progress – Adding color, small comic
I am currently adding some colors to my small comic. It is hand drawn using pencil and Char coal, but I am adding the colors Læs videre “Work in progress – Adding color, small comic”
Work in progress – New crime book for kids
I am currently working on a new book series with the to characters, Rosa and Marie. It is a series of light crime stories, and the two girls get involved in different cases, which may look very scary at first glance.
The stories are written by Per Østergaard, and he is Læs videre “Work in progress – New crime book for kids”
Read the whole online comic “Goodbye Flopsy”
You can now read my comic, “Goodbye Flopsy – A tale from the suburb” on my Læs videre “Read the whole online comic “Goodbye Flopsy””