Jeg er lige blevet færdig med denne korte tegneserie om erindringer fra barndommen.
Samtidigt med at jeg tegnede serien, lavede Læs videre “Webcomic and animated comic”
Illustration, comics, children books, Music, video
Jeg er lige blevet færdig med denne korte tegneserie om erindringer fra barndommen.
Samtidigt med at jeg tegnede serien, lavede Læs videre “Webcomic and animated comic”
I am currently working on a small comic with early childhood memories.
And today I made the pencil and char coal finish. The plan is Læs videre “Work in progress – Small Comic”
I am currently working on a new book series with the to characters, Rosa and Marie. It is a series of light crime stories, and the two girls get involved in different cases, which may look very scary at first glance.
The stories are written by Per Østergaard, and he is Læs videre “Work in progress – New crime book for kids”
A few screenshots and a little glimpse og work in progress.
I am currently in the process of adding colors in Læs videre “Work in progress – KLUB4 (Club4) #2”
A few screenshots and a little glimpse og work in progress.
I am currently in the process of adding colors in Photoshop to the illustrations from the forthcoming book with the Læs videre “Work in Progress – KLUB4 (Club 4)”