Jeg er lige blevet færdig med denne korte tegneserie om erindringer fra barndommen.
Samtidigt med at jeg tegnede serien, lavede Læs videre “Webcomic and animated comic”
Illustration, comics, children books, Music, video
Jeg er lige blevet færdig med denne korte tegneserie om erindringer fra barndommen.
Samtidigt med at jeg tegnede serien, lavede Læs videre “Webcomic and animated comic”
This is a small Pencil test animation for an animated comic.
More on this later
I am currently adding some colors to my small comic. It is hand drawn using pencil and Char coal, but I am adding the colors Læs videre “Work in progress – Adding color, small comic”
I am currently working on a small comic with early childhood memories.
And today I made the pencil and char coal finish. The plan is Læs videre “Work in progress – Small Comic”
For some odd reason, I have made a lot of Book Trailers for other peoples comic books and novels, but not for my own comic.
Well… Now I have!
And at the same time, I got the chance to Læs videre “Book Trailer – Goodbye Flopsy – A Tale from the Suburb”
I’m happy to announce that my comic, “Goodbye Flopsy – A Tale from the Suburb” is now officially for sale on ComiXology. The story is Læs videre “Now on ComiXology – Goodbye Flopsy – A Tale from the Suburb”
A Homage drawing for the great artist, André Franquin and his brilliant character, Gaston Lagaffe who this day, february the 28. Is celebrating his 60th birthday. The drawing Can be Seen in the Læs videre “Homage drawing for Gaston Lagaffe’s 60th birthday”
Press on the drawing to see the hole battle:
7 years ago, the publishing company, Aben Maler asked a bunch og illustrators to participate in a series of duels on paper. In other words, fight to you die, but only Læs videre “Battle on paper! Fight# 2”
A little peak into the making of a Comic page. I use Læs videre “Work in progress – Comic Page”