A showreel with Clips from various Motion Graphic projects I have Læs videre “Showreel – Motion Graphics”
Soundtrack for Aerial Movie
Bo Tornvig Is a very skilled Aerial Photographer
He has made this video in the harbor of Copenhagen
And I have composed the music for the video
Webcomic and animated comic

Jeg er lige blevet færdig med denne korte tegneserie om erindringer fra barndommen.
Samtidigt med at jeg tegnede serien, lavede Læs videre “Webcomic and animated comic”
Animation pencil test for comic
This is a small Pencil test animation for an animated comic.
More on this later
Promo Stop motion video for new song: “Fix the Future Bug
Short Promo Stop motion video for the new song on Wettendorff-Soundcloud. “Fix the Future Bug”
Go to the link in Læs videre “Promo Stop motion video for new song: “Fix the Future Bug”
Stop Motion – The Bug
Horror maze in decay – Adobe After Effects
Horror maze in decay Made in Adobe After Effects, with the aid of VIDEO COPILOT
I am currently going through Læs videre “Horror maze in decay – Adobe After Effects”
Video for my Miwer logo – After Effects
This is a video with my Miwer logo, made in Adobe After Effects.
Thanks Lungomatic for the help and Læs videre “Video for my Miwer logo – After Effects”
After Effects – Earth
I am currently going through different tutorials in After Effects.
It’s a pretty Læs videre “After Effects – Earth”
Video for my Wettendorff Soundcloud
Video made for my Wettendorff-music Facebook page.
Made up from scratch.
Thanks to VIDEO COPILOT. Læs videre “Video for my Wettendorff Soundcloud”