Bagtæppe til Hr. Skæg
Jeg har fået fornøjelsen af at lave det nye bagtæppe til Hr. Skægs nye koncertturné.

I forbindelse med den nye børneTV-serie, “Hr. Skægs hotel” på DR Ramasjang, tager Hr. Skæg (aka Mikkel Lomborg) og Christian Winther på en landsdækkende turné. Og til den lejlighed har jeg designet det nye bagtæppe + hotelreception.
Kravlenisser til julen 2018
Så er det sikkert og vist. Der er kommet et nyt kravlenisseark.
Jeg har tegnet det og man kan købe det hos Læs videre “Kravlenisser til julen 2018”
New song on Wettendorff Soundcloud – Red Diamond
When I don’t draw, I make music.
And my main project is the electronic music I make, under Læs videre “New song on Wettendorff Soundcloud – Red Diamond”
New book, fresh from print – The Keys to Hell
Yesterday I received this book from my publisher, Alinea.
I have made the illustrations for this book, written by Peter Grønlund. And the title is “Nøglen til Helvede” (danish) – “The Keys to Hell”.
It’s not everyday you get Læs videre “New book, fresh from print – The Keys to Hell”
Work in progress – Easy readers books #3 – Final stage
I have just finalized the work on two books in a series with four detective kids.
The series is called “Club 4”, and it is written by Per Østergaard.
The publisher is Alinea. And the last thing the book needed, was Læs videre “Work in progress – Easy readers books #3 – Final stage”
Book Trailer – Goodbye Flopsy – A Tale from the Suburb
For some odd reason, I have made a lot of Book Trailers for other peoples comic books and novels, but not for my own comic.
Well… Now I have!
And at the same time, I got the chance to Læs videre “Book Trailer – Goodbye Flopsy – A Tale from the Suburb”
Homage drawing for Gaston Lagaffe’s 60th birthday
A Homage drawing for the great artist, André Franquin and his brilliant character, Gaston Lagaffe who this day, february the 28. Is celebrating his 60th birthday. The drawing Can be Seen in the Læs videre “Homage drawing for Gaston Lagaffe’s 60th birthday”
My first comic on Comixology
I just received a very positive reply from Comixology, which is an Amazon Company. They have approved my submission. And my comic, “Goodbye Flopsy – A tale from the suburb” will be in the Comixology platform very soon.
For those of you who don’t Læs videre “My first comic on Comixology”
Aflevering PING bog #4
Even though I’m still working on the cover, I have now finally delivered the contents of a new PING book for print, with the Læs videre “Aflevering PING bog #4”